Central Tremont, like most of the neighborhood, was far more densely populated in 1930 than it is now. West 14th Street (Jennings Avenue) is a good example: Private homes lined the street east and west of West 14th all the way to the lip of the Flats. Also note . . .

  • In addition to homes lining West 14th, the strip also included the Jennings Theater and Dr. Martin Luther Slovak Lutheran Church. What we know today as the Olney Gallery near the corner of Fairfield was then the Ukrainian National Home. The original Grace Hospital and a “Nurses Home” also occupied single lots on West 14th near the corner of Kenilworth. We now refer to the “Hellenic Orthodox Church” at the corner of West 14th Fairfield as “Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church.”
  • The building that now houses Parallax (corner of West 11th—Merchant—Street and Fairfield Avenue) was there in 1930. But across Fairfield, a building called Fairfield Hall covered the space now occupied by The South Side’s patio. Another home stood on the lot immediately south of The South Side.
  • Across West 11th from The South Side, the vacant lot (soon to be a giant apartment building) contained at least a half-dozen homes.
  • The building we now know as Lemko Hall was called Koreny Hall in 1930. The map incorrectly identifies it as Koreny’s Hall.